Friday, July 6, 2007

Checking out those blogs

OK, I just spent more time than I realized checking out the various blog search engines and looking at some blogs. It's easy to get sucked into clicking and reading and then clicking and reading without stopping, and that's on a work-related topic. If I got started on a personal interest, who knows how much time I'd spend. As far as the search engines go, Technorati was the most effective for my search. The others each had some nice features, but they turned up more of a mishmash of results. Sphere gave me mostly press releases about new books written on library management (I was looking for blogs about managing libraries, hoping to find good and bad examples and stories), so that was a disappointment. I never did find the kind of blog I was looking for, so I'll have to keep looking. But after spending some time checking out the ACRL blogs, I'll probably try to browse through them more regularly than I have in the past. Overall, though, my sense is that the world of blogs has lots to offer and could easily become yet another way to while away many hours.

1 comment:

UCSC Learning 2.0 Team said...

So true. So many blogs... so little time!